From Combat Boots to Computers

Holy shit!


I couldn’t believe there were so many applicants for the VA position I was hiring for. Now, whether they really liked the vibe I was putting out or because they really needed something to help support their situation, I’ll never really know.


But what I do know: I want to grow my company so big that I can bring on those wonderful people!


But before we get any deeper into my crazy world, let me introduce myself: I’m Angel!


I’m an OEF Army Veteran and now a serial entrepreneur and a business woman. In the past, I have owned 3 different successful businesses, ranging from cosmetology to an entertainment business.


Now I’m fully focused on providing kickass deliverables to creators, ranging from courses to content and everyone in between!

So wayyyyyy back when…..


After my medical discharge from the military, I knew I wanted to own my own business. I realized that I had a problem with others telling me what to do – but that’s what everyone says when they get out of the military, Angel! I know! 


But I wanted to be different. 


So, I learned a trade: Cosmetology! And I was fucking good at it! (Or at least I thought so!) I continued down this path for about 5 years, while also graduating with my Bachelors in Business Management. 


Around this time I met my hubby…while being stood up by another man…ironically enough! We call this our first “unofficial” date, to this day!


Fast forward 3 years and we’re married and talking about opening our entertainment business: Rampage Room, A place to come and break things to relieve stress!! We started making the official arrangements and 8 months later we’re open for business!


Over the course of that next year, my health started going downhill at an accelerated rate, which caused me to start walking with my third leg – *wink wink*! By this time, the hubby couldn’t do the work on his own and hiring wasn’t really an option. So we made the heart-wrenching decision to close up shop a year after opening the doors.

At this point, I had started working as an insurance agent, from the comfort of my home, since walking became such an issue, and I had been cold calling people. (Yea, you know the calls I’m talking about! When you tell the person on the other end you’re not interested and hang up! Yea that was me you were hanging up on! Lol!)


This was my first exposure to working from home and to be honest it was really rough. There were times where I was like, Fuck this shit! I’m not doing this if these people are going to be jackasses!!


Then….The Pandemic Hit!!!


This was a blessing in disguise and we went through a roller coaster of bullshit! 


  1. My husband and I moved into our new house and found out we had COVID.
  2. My terminally ill best friend moved in 2 weeks later and passed away in my new house.
  3. Then, I almost lost my mom 6 months later.


After all this, I went through a period of time trying to focus on healing and I still have a loooooooonnnnnngggggg way to go but, dammit, I’m doing the damn thing!! 

All that to say, I am now a Badass Entrepreneur who wants to continue to share my story.

If I can go through:

  1. Consistent medical decline, resulting in medical procedures every 3 months.
  2. The loss of my best friend who was also my other soulmate.
  3. And almost losing a significant pillar in my life, my mom….

…..just to decide one day I’m going to pull up my bootstraps and push my business to the next level, then ultimately you CAN do anything you put your mind to.

My biggest takeaway from this is:

Take time to fucking take care of yourself!

Whatever healing looks like to you, do it! This is your life! Go out there, be kind, be genuine, and be authentically you! 💜

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