Brand Archetypes: The Art of Exploring your Spirituality

The Innocent, the Sage, and the Explorer

If you want to be a business that goes beyond being “just another company offering the same products and services,” then your customer relationship management efforts will need to focus on connecting with customers at an emotional level.
One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to give your brand a full-fledged personality with an easily recognizable tone of voice, starting with exploring spirituality.

This is where brand archetypes come in!

Some brands may be tempted to stick with one or two stereotypes in their marketing, but more experienced brands will create compelling characters that can speak directly to the needs and desires of potential customers.
Aligning your brand as closely as possible with a single archetype can help it feel familiar and communicates like a real person. Let’s walk through the first three brand archetypes.
The Innocent-Exploring Spirituality ATNCS Branding Quiz

The Innocent

The innocent can be easy to spot—they are usually optimistic and carefree, although they do tend to worry about the safety and happiness of themselves and others.
They are honest, pure of heart and spirit. They don’t bear grudges; instead, they believe that everyone has the right to be who he or she is. They see beauty in everyone—even those with imperfections!
Examples of this brand archetype include Dove, Coca-Cola, and Aveeno. 

The Sage

The Sage is driven by the desire for truth, knowledge, and wisdom. The ultimate goal of their quest is to not only understand the world around them but also to share that understanding with others.
They are lifelong learners and enjoy sharing their knowledge with others. They transmit their wisdom to someone who can put it to good use, rather than seeking fame or glory themselves by changing the world.
Examples of this brand archetype in the marketplace include Google, Harvard University, and TED. 
The Explorer-Exploring Spirituality ATNCS Branding Quiz

The Explorer

The explorer has a deeply rooted need to push themselves out of their comfort zone, into the rugged environment they feel most at home in.
They are brave, adventurous, and love a challenge. They face these challenges not to prove themselves to others but rather so that they can learn more about who they really are.
Examples of the Explorer archetype in the marketplace include Jeep, Northface, and Patagonia. 

Exploring spirituality is an incredible journey of discovery and growth.

By embracing the three main archetypes—The Innocent, the Sage, and the Explorer—we can gain a greater understanding of the spiritual path and its many facets.
The Innocent brings a natural curiosity and openness to new perspectives, while the Sage provides a sense of security and stability through tradition and wisdom. The Explorer pushes the boundaries of knowledge and understanding, seeking out new experiences and insights.
All three archetypes offer valuable insight and guidance to help us navigate the spiritual journey. With their help, we can deepen our understanding of spirituality and find greater peace and joy on our path.

How to apply this to your brand

When you create a unique persona for your brand, real and lasting connections can be made with the people that matter most: your customers. By using these three archetypes you’ll be able to tap into existing narratives we use repeatedly in real life, and apply them to your own business, giving you a much stronger sense of your brand’s identity.

The day-to-day grind of business can make it hard to see our own brand as an outsider would.

One thing to take away from this is that customers don’t want you to be perfect. They don’t want “perfection” on the outside, with something ugly and disappointing on the inside. Consumers (whether they’re B2C or B2B) want authenticity and honesty. And if people connect with what makes you who you are, then there’s no right or wrong approach to building a successful brand. Ultimately, brands can make money as long as they are genuine and truthful, whatever their archetype may be.
If you are looking to attract more clients by using your archetype, take my FREE brand archetype quiz here!

Remember to be authentically you!

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