Content Pillars: The Foundation Of Your Business

First off, Congratulations on starting your venture! I know firsthand how exciting and daunting building something from the ground up can be. And sharing it with the world is your next step! 


When you are creating content for your business, you want to be able to appeal to your audience in different ways so you always keep them engaged. Content pillars provide a foundation for other smaller pieces of content that your audience can feel a part of.

Think of your idea, program, or business as a building…

…Every building needs support beams to hold it up…


Requiring a minimum of 4 pillars to hold the weight of your masterpiece. So let’s dive into what each pillar would represent:


  1. Education
  2. Entertainment
  3. Inspiration
  4. Promotion


Each pillar can spark multiple ideas that can ultimately lead to content pieces for you to stay in touch with your audience. Let’s walk through some examples of each pillar for a better understanding.


(Download your free copy of the ATNVS Content Pillar Guide HERE where I provide an easy step-by-step guide to building your know-like-trust with your audience.)


You want to teach your audience about your product or service. Start by speaking about the common misconceptions within your area of expertise.


 “As a designer, a common misconception that I encounter is that you have to be formally educated to create beautiful on-brand deliverables for your clients. However, as a self-taught designer, I have been able to not only meet but exceed my client’s expectations when it comes to designing their beautiful deliverables.”


Provide a quick and fun video about the inner workings of your day-to-day activities within your business. People want to connect and feel a part of something. By showing your audience the behind-the-scenes, you’re offering them a sneak peek into the organized chaos of your business and how you feel. 


Believe it or not, YOU are an inspiration to someone. Share your story with the world! There are people out there that have walked in your shoes but are afraid to take the next step and by sharing your journey with your audience, you’re allowing another glimpse into your world. And even better, they can connect with you! 


 “I am an OEF veteran and serial entrepreneur. I have owned 4 different successful businesses and after rounding out a full chapter as a cosmetologist and Insurance agent, I transitioned to virtual design and organization implementation. This has allowed me to use my various experiences in a beautiful way. My background has helped me bring a creative balance to my projects and clients.“

And finally, Promotion:

TALK ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS! Just like that TikTok sound! No one is going to know about your business if you don’t talk about it. And here’s where things might get a bit messy, but I won’t sugar coat it: If you can’t talk about your business with friends and family it’s time to expand your circle, love! Tell the world what you’re doing because someone will need it! 

Now that you’ve built your building and have a strong support system in place, you need a foundation. The foundation of your business is its branding! When you are creating a business, you’ll need to build on the KLT factor with your audience or no one will want to work with you.

Building your Know-Like-Trust (through brand awareness)

Building your brand is as simple as repetitively using colors and fonts within your business consistently. If you are constantly changing the colors and fonts that you use around and within your business, your audience won’t be able to pick you and your business out of a crowd. 


And while being consistent with fonts and colors are important, your deliverables help portray your message to the world in a unique way. This is a monumental piece to building that continued trust with your audience. I know it sounds ridiculous, but when your deliverables, lead magnets and website are all cohesive with it’s branding, your audience is more likely to trust you with the one-of-a-kind message you are trying to portray.


If you are interested in building your business the right way, with the proper support system, you can download your free copy of the ATNVS Content Pillar Guide HERE where I provide an easy step-by-step walkthrough to building your know-like-trust with your audience. 


Lastly, don’t forget to be authentically you!

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