The Power Behind Your Brand


Over the years, I have worked with multiple businesses, and a large problem that I have repeatedly seen is businesses not f*&king branding themselves correctly. The thing is people aren’t pushing their businesses correctly due to a lack of knowledge. Today, I am going to show you some simple steps that will help you create a brand identity for your business. If done correctly, this will help you gain more leads, customers, and money!


Branding is more than just a logo.

 First things first, great businesses are achieved through strong branding. The differentiating factor between a great business and one that won’t sustain itself is its brand. Your brand should communicate the values, purpose, beliefs, and emotions that your company wants to reflect.


A good brand has:

  • A unique identity
  • A consistent look and feel
  • It’s memorable
  • Shows how the product or service is different from others.

When you start to create a business and brand the first thing you realize is that the name you choose is key. Choosing a name for your business can sometimes be hard. 


A logo is often the first thing people see when they think of your business, so it’s important that you create one that reflects the name and brand of your company. Although branding is important, many businesses fail to invest in it. 



The success of your business comes down to how well you advertise and market yourself. 



This includes how customers see your brand, how it relates to them, and how they in turn relate to it. Your brand is what allows people to trust you and your business. But unlike other factors that contribute toward a successful business (such as an innovative product or excellent customer service), branded companies are more likely than non-branded ones to grow and thrive in the marketplace.


Branding alludes to customers.

 While branding sells your products, it also sells your business. A good brand is an essential part of every successful company because it helps you to forge a relationship with your customers.


Here’s a secret: Branding is for everyone.


It can add value to your business and help you stand out from your competitors. Let’s take a look, shall we…..

Have you ever heard the saying “you are what you eat”? Well, it applies to your business.


Who do you think is buying your product or service? The people who run a restaurant know their customers are typically other people who are always hungry, right? Therefore a good logo and catchy name for the restaurant is extremely important because it gives their customers an idea of what they can expect when they visit.


Your name can go a long way in influencing the public and your clients. The best branding strategies convey a company’s or product’s uniqueness, personality, and value to the customers.


Branding can make your business memorable.

Have you ever read a headline like, “Why branding is important to your business?” or “How branding can make your business more memorable,” and then thought, “Tell me something I don’t know!”?


Let’s face it, we all know that branding is key to any successful business. So why do so many businesses still fail? Because people focus so much on the quality of their products or service that they forget about the importance of branding.


Having a recognizable brand can help your business become memorable. Internal and external branding is essential to any business. Branding is a way of defining your business and delivering your core message.


A strong brand brings the following benefits:

  • Reputation
  • Value
  • Trust and Recognition
  • Distinctiveness
  • The attraction of talent and customers
  • An emotional connection with your customers

As well as building one-way links to your website which can significantly improve search engine rankings!


All That To Say…

Branding within your business can be successful if you are aware of the benefits, and potential pitfalls and what it all means when you take the time to define it right.


Branding doesn’t have to be difficult but regardless of whether or not you think you need it, it certainly is a necessity if you are wanting to be successful within your industry.


If you decided, Angel that was too much to read! And skimmed all the way down here to the bottom, then here are the biggest takeaways for you: 

  1. Branding is more than just a logo.
  2. Branding alludes to customers.
  3. Branding can make your business memorable.


Branding is important in any business and if at the end of the day, you don’t quite have your branding together or are needing a new take on your brand voice, schedule a free consultation with a Deliverables Designer today — so you can stand out in the crowd.


Remember babes, to always be authentically you!

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