Brand Archetypes: Craving Structure Within Your Brand

Brand Archetypes: Craving Structure Within Your Brand

The Caregiver, the Ruler, and the Creator

The power of archetypes makes branding easier, more rewarding, and worthy of respect. The concept was introduced by Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung when he noticed patterns in people’s behavior.
He argued that archetypes were human tendencies that behaved in certain ways, which influenced behavior. His theory was that humans shared a collective unconsciousness and noticed familiarities within personas, such as motherly figures.
The archetypal framework helps us build brand personas—human-like representations of brands. And the best ones are built by identifying solidly with one (and only one) core archetype.
The craving structure characteristic gives us an insight into 3 brand archetypes and how they can be applied to your business.
The Caregiver-1

The Caregiver

The Caregiver is a selfless personality who feels compelled to take care of others. They often take on the role of “mama bear” or “nurse,” nurturing those they feel are vulnerable until they’re strong enough to fend for themselves.
The nursing profession perfectly embodies the caregiver personality type: though they like their efforts to be recognized, they do not appreciate being patronized. Nursing staff are not just reactive—they also take steps to prevent potential problems from occurring.
Brands such as UNICEF, Toms, and Johnson & Johnson are great examples of the Caregiver brand archetype in the marketplace.
The Ruler 1

The Ruler

The Ruler is a dominant personality who desires control above all else. They communicate in an authoritative way and aim to find success for themselves and those who are loyal to them.
They are confident, responsible, and in control of their own destinies; they expect the same from others. Rulers see themselves at the top of the food chain and will ruthlessly defend that position.
Prominent examples of this brand in the marketplace include Louis Vuitton, Mercedes-Benz, and Rolex.
The Creator 1

The Creator 

The Creator encourages entrepreneurs to think of themselves as creators and innovators. By focusing on creativity and innovation, the creator can tap into a greater sense of purpose, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and higher sales.
Creators are provocative, passionate, and inspired by outward thinking. They possess an “artist’s streak” and love living life dangerously by providing their version of the structure.
Some examples of the creator archetype can include brands like Lego, Crayola, and Adobe.

You can create a powerful brand structure that resonates with your target audience.

Creating a successful brand structure can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By understanding these three core brand archetypes – the Caregiver, the Ruler, and the Creator – you can ensure that your brand is unified and consistent across all platforms.
Brand archetypes can help you better identify the kind of voice that your brand should have. In fact, the more easily that audience can connect with a single archetype, the more they’ll be able to ensure that your brand is always aligned with who they are.
If you are looking to attract more clients by using your archetype, schedule your free consultation, today!
Remember to be authentically you!

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